Alyx struggles with her weight and is relearning to eat instinctively with Am I Hungry?
Posted on 08/08/2010 @ 3:48 PM
I had another epiphany. Working the Friday Night Shift, cranking away, I realized I was just a smidge hungry. So I thought, “What do I want?” (It still amazes me that the answer isn’t always automatically “chocolate and cheetos”!) And then I thought “What do I have?” I was at the office, not at home or out and about. And, then, I thought, “YES!” Chocolate covered malted milk balls – and I couldn’t even remember when I last had some. So I thought some more (not too much) and decided nine was the perfect number. I put them out on a pretty little plate (gotta be civilized, even at the office), and thoroughly enjoyed the first three, while still feverishly working away. When I reached for the next one – they were all gone! Hey! Then it dawned on me – I was the only one in the office, and I had eaten all nine of those glorious chocolate covered malted milk balls and didn’t even enjoy six of them! Never again! From now on, if I treat myself I will make sure I thoroughly enjoy it.
Posted on 07/07/2010 @ 6:56 PM
Went on a Beach Road Trip with the girls from kindergarten. I can’t believe I’ve known these gals for 50 years! We walked the beach, watched movies, slept in, walked the beach some more, teased each other about everything, played a ton of games, read magazines and cheap books, and loved every minute of being together. And, an added bonus: the weather was great.
I was so busy beaching I forgot to diet! What a relief! We all ate whenever and whatever we wanted – and there was so much catching up to do most of the time we sort of forgot to eat! We shopped, watched the whales, giggled at each other, and food was the focus only twice during four glorious days: Seafood night (all fresh-caught on the Oregon coast); and pancake breakfast (Barb’s a gourmet cook).
Posted on 01/26/2010 @ 11:03 PM
I recently slipped into some of those tried-and-true (tried-and-false!) dieting traps. I went to Reno, and instead of just enjoying the trip, and the friends, and the Scrabble, I decided to “get my money’s worth” every time I ate at the buffet – and I was in Reno so I ate at the buffet a lot. Crumb.
And at midnight, instead of splitting a club sandwich and an order of onion rings with a friend, we ordered a cheeseburger and fries, a club sandwich and onion rings, and then we split both orders! What was I thinking? Why wasn’t I paying attention to what I was doing? Why Why Why? Okay, enough of that.
So my plan for the next few weeks is to get used to feeling normal, and to enjoy the food I eat, and to stop worrying so much. So:
What Do I Want? To Be Healthier and Fitter
What Do I Need? To Eat More Conscientiously and to Move More
What Do I Have? The Desire & The Tools to Do It!